Millions for Community Health Centers

Dennis Cuevas-Romero, Advocates Vice President of Government Affairs

CaliforniaHealth+ Advocates successfully advocated to secure a total of $110 million dollars for health centers in the 23-24 budget. This includes a one-time infusion of $20M ($10 million General Fund/$10 million federal match) to support the Health Enrollment Navigators program. The California Primary Care Association (CPCA) will disburse the funding directly to CHCs to assist in their role helping Medi-Cal patients keep their healthcare coverage.

On April 1, counties resumed their normal redetermination process for beneficiaries with a June 2023 renewal date. This process had been paused during the Covid-19 pandemic. The first disenrollments for those deemed no longer eligible unfortunately began in July. It is estimated that up to 3 million patients could lose Medi-Cal coverage during redetermination. The funding that we fought for in this budget will help keep qualifying individuals on Medi-Cal and receiving vital services. The funding will also help support the influx of new low-income patients, regardless of their immigration status, with the start of the 26-49 aged population being eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal beginning January 1, 2024.

Additionally, CHCs will receive one-time funding of $40 million towards the Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Initiative. The funding would give health centers infrastructure dollars to build Enhanced Care Management (ECM) or community support programs. CPCA was also able to secure additional funding in the amount of $50 million in the state budget for CHCs. The details for this funding will be further determined in January.  CPCA and coalition partners were also able to secure $75 million for Graduate Medical Education.

This January, the Governor projected a $31.5 billion budget shortfall. We could not have achieved the momentous investments without your staunch advocacy in this ultra-competitive process with limited funds. While we celebrate the huge wins, we also keep our eyes forward looking at the additional work that need to be done as CaliforniaHealth+ Advocates continues to advocate the Administration and the Legislature for more equity and access for our patients.

Emily Masterson